"I see my light come shining / From the west unto the east." - Dylan

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

 the hospital stay 2023

digital / courtesy j.d. / 2023

Yeah, that's pretty much what it was like.  My being slipped behind a cloud for about eight days.  I had surgery for small bowel blockage.  The doctor said this just happens sometimes.  and it happened to me - suddenly and severely.  

Overshadowed, yet some good energy kept shining through.  In the hospital I listened to peaceful, healing music and watched some videos to pacify my mind.  I reflected on my life a lot, and vowed to make some changes about how I spend my time and energy.  Hopefully more worthwhile and creative things.  Simple things.  Love more, eat well and take care of myself as best I can.  Then I can be present for others.

I had a dialogue with my body and promised good things.  In a way, it was an awakening but I had to be stripped of my day to day energy in order to hear the lesson.  I was in pain but not fearful.  I'm pretty sure I was visited in the hospital room by my Dad and other guides (but it could have been the pain meds..ha!)

I came home and started to recover but less than a week later I was back in the hospital for two days for hernia repair.  It was a pre-existing condition which was made acute after the first surgery.  Hard to believe but yes, that happened.  I am recovering well with a voracious appetite.  Resting, gulping fresh air when I can and just healing and trying to go easy.

I'm grateful and happy and feeling better every day.  I want to revive my interest in photography and writing and practice more sumi-e painting.  Simplicity, peace and more love. 

A deep bow to whatever comes our way...namaste, Gary


There is a road, no simple highway

Between the dawn and the dark of night

And if you go no one may follow

That path is for your steps alone

- Robert Hunter / Grateful Dead

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