"I see my light come shining / From the west unto the east." - Dylan

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Forest Fire

"Take what comes.  Be contented and cheerful.  Never worry.  
Not a leaf moves, but by His consent and will."  

-Sai Baba of Shirdi

the other day i woke to learn of a forest fire burning close to where we live in western north carolina.  

today i learned the results of the us election.

it is burning large parts of my very favorite hiking and climbing area.  concern and a certain sadness flooded my heart as i realized that this beautiful wild area would be changed dramatically for the immediate future and scarred for some time to come.

many of my fellow citizens find themselves in a precarious state.  civil rights, economic opportunity and cherished liberties stand to be curtailed.  we all may be scarred for some time to come.

yet i know that forest fires can have a cleansing and cauterizing effect and often are necessary in the grand scheme of things, making way for fresh life and new possibilities.

yet i know that for every time there is a season, and the resiliency of the human heart and the generosity and goodness of the american people offer hope and new possibilities for all of us.

this does not take away my sadness, however, since my limited mind wants things to be otherwise.  

this does not take away my sadness this morning, since my limited mind wants things to be otherwise.  

a degree of acceptance will eventually settle in.  i know and trust this process.

and i look forward to hiking that terrain soon with new eyes and a deeper appreciation for the beauty, strength and temporal immutability of the rock, the forest and the vast array of living things which make this area home.

this day, as rains come to quench the forest fire, i resolve to be more kind and appreciative as i enter this new/old world.



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