"I see my light come shining / From the west unto the east." - Dylan

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Simple Conversation
Linville Gorge, NC / June 2012
Pentax Espio 115v / 35mm / FujiFilm iso200
($3 at Goodwill)
image slightly rendered
"Nice photo.  Where did you take it?"
     "Glad you like it.  I saw it in my dream last night."

"You took a photograph of your dream?"

     "It imprinted itself on my soul and in the morning, before I was too awake, I pressed  myself against the patio door glass."

"What were you thinking?"
     "I wasn't."

"So, you captured this....image...?"
     "Yes, on the patio door.  It's a rough outline of the image on my soul.  Just a sketch, really; a rendering.  I can't describe the real thing in words."

     "You have no idea."

"I love the beautiful green and the sky and the horizon.  And the clouds - I love how the clouds form over the deep river-gorge as if constellating its opposite."
     "It's not a gorge and sky and clouds."

"What is it?"
     "The Mystery."
a beautiful hymn from the self to the Self
by Moya Brennan

Saturday, June 9, 2012

stolen gardenia
draft 1
digital / slightly rendered
summer 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hymn of the Universe

Ricoh Auto 35 / 35mm / Fujifilm iso200 / rendered

"To be pure of heart means to love God above all things and at the same time 
to see him everywhere in all things."

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Hymn of the Universe
NY: Harper & Row Perennial Library, 1965 (1961), p. 127

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Integration of Opposites
digital / slightly rendered
spring 2012

Chinese philosophy...sees the primal opposites of Yin and Yang.  Yin is the principle of rest, the unchanging, the dark, the cool, the moist, the female, the side of the mountain in the shade.  Yang is the principle of movement, of change, the bright, the hot, the dry, the male, the side of the mountain in the sun.  Yin is continually going over to Yang, Yang is continually going over to Yin.  The two are combined in the T'ai Chi.  Yin has the seed of Yang in it, Yang has the seed of Yin; Yin is perpetually becoming Yang, Yang is perpetually becoming Yin; the whole harmoniously working together for the man, or the people, who can see the opposites in their deep consonance with the ordinances of Heaven.  Wu Wei, an untranslatable expression, usually rendered as 'not-doing', a wise acceptance of life, an inaction which enables the creative activity to operate, is the essence of the Chinese view.
Experiment in Depth
A Study of the Work of Jung, Eliot and Toynbee
P.W. Martin, Kegan Paul 1955, p. 141