"I see my light come shining / From the west unto the east." - Dylan

Monday, July 25, 2011

Grosshabersdorf, Germany
July 2011
Walking through the village, there are old buildings
and barns and chickens.  Along with prosperous farmers' homes, 
flower gardens and small shops.  Cool summer days. 
A children's circus came to town.  It feels good to pay close attention
just to move through the day with different language, people and customs. 
I love the old parts of the village, the crooked streets 
and the smell of the cow barns.

Monday, July 11, 2011

fairview, nc
summer evening

this is how we live
shadows and light
earth and mountains
hearts open to the sky

the inescapable nearness
of Divinity

Friday, July 1, 2011

sister says throw away the bucket
jump into the ocean
as the wolf drinks your milk at 
midnight and the full moon


Holga CFN, 120mm color print film 200asa
Asheville, NC
Spring 2011